Posted by ROKESH

Ther comes a point sometime, somewhere in your life when yo ve no idea of wat the fuck’s going on but, still yo feel happy and complete. Yo go, yo come, yo eat, yo sleep, no entertainment. but still yo really re enjoying. Yo dont care whats happening. To the world, to your neighbor, to yo. What does anything matter? There’s a millions of things to look forward to, wait for, or work towards.
Not that yo don’t feel or get depressed. Yo do, but it’s not the same. Yo drift along like a fallen log on the Mississippi. But now yo ve got directions, there's a purpose, there's a meaning. Yo start loving the working days as much as your college life. A taunt from your boss doesn’t even count. Point is, yo don’t care. Yo ve simply stopped caring. Nothing fazes yo, absolutely nothing. Yo ve been through so much, everything seems pointless.

People run behind yo at work. They flatter your knowledge. Point is They need your help. They surround yo nd learn from yo. they praise yo. Fact is they re givin a fuck. Yo make others laugh everywhere yo go. But yo dont remember the last time yo really laughed. Friends call. Yo talk to them, chat for hours. But does that change anything? No, I don’t think so. People will judge yo, they always do. But yo know what, damn them, they ve no idea what yo re going through. They don’t walk in your shoes, yo do. There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they are the way they are. Think about that before yo judge someone.
Is the world fair? No, of course not. But when was it, ever?

But does that mean that yo stop, just give up & take whatever shit life throws at yo? Well, yo could do that, that’s definitely an option. And many people do take it.

What do I do? I don’t know. I’m mindfucked, that’s all I know. But I also know this.

Throughout life, I ve loved, I ve lied, I ve got hurt, I ve lost, I ve missed, I ve trusted, I ve made mistakes. But most of all, I ve learned.

I ve learned that we can quit things, but what we can't quit, is fighting for our dreams.


Posted by ROKESH

BSB is one of the best bands i have ever known in my life. Though all their songs were older, those songs will never be outdated. Those were the songs that were felt and written from the heart and soul. even five years from now, when I sing this to my love, the song will still be fresh and never seem any older. nowadays BANDS ARE TRASH. Nothing could match BSB. And i mean that nothing.



Posted by ROKESH

PEC --- Whenever we pronounce this word, there will always be an up in the tone. Not intentional though. It always has the proudness, bravery and little bit conceited in it. Below are the snaps that were took on a rainy holiday. No homo-sapiens will be seen on the pics to bring the liveliness of this beauty of the college.  To all those jealous hearts out there : We are PEC. 
<< NoT Arrogant, Even Better>>

Click over the pics to view the  original beauty in HD

       The first view any student of PEC would get to see......!

         A vast Admin block at the end of a clean, broad, well-kept ascending stretch of 


 (Admin Block, PEC Campus)

 One half of the Admin Block, captured in a fresh morning..! Eucalyptus smell and the awesome beach are the priceless things you get to feel while you view the world from the terrace

      (Admin Block, PEC Campus)

               The captivating view of sea from admin block.....!
               The alluring sea, coastal trees, the ECR road and entrance is an innate beauty of PEC.....

                   A view of the boulevard in front Admin-Block on a cool rainy day.....!
                  - (Admin Block, PEC Campus)

               The down slope and the sea line that would be visible at the horizon above the tree-line........!
              - (Entrance Road, Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)


             -A pool of Lilies outside admin block....! Would provide a pleasant and welcoming ambience on a drizzling morning.. !

(Admin Block, PEC Campus)

              Gloomy days always remain dazzling in our memories.......!
             - (Admin Block, PEC Campus)

             Prestigiously standing, is the youngest building in PEC, the Auditorium......!

            - (Auditorium, PEC Campus)

 "Never Miss Pecofes" is the message one would pass down to juniors..........!
No classes, celebrations, friends from other colleges, late night dances and will-never-happen oaths 
like "we all should attend next pecofes for sure, wherever we are at that time" and ages and ages of 
 commemorating the day......!

- (Auditorium, PEC Campus)

The Slopy landscape and the thick jungle in front of auditorium on a stromy day.....!

- (Auditorium, PEC Campus)

A natural embroidery of fostered grass lawn, abandoned jungle, fountain and buildings, all over a casually inclined landscape, captured in a single snap........!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)


Not many of you would know that there are such out-of-notice 'road-not-taken's around the Auditorium......! 

- (Auditorium, PEC Campus)

The Back-Street on a desolated Rainy evening......!
It was really hard to capture the entire stretch of the Back street, empty.....!
This was always a refreshing sight on a gloomy and silent afternoon..........!

- (Back Street, PEC Campus)

 Way to girls hostel. Snapped at a lucky moment when it was left alone.....!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

The after-shower gifts......! 
One could see such beautiful establishments almost everywhere inside the campus, during rainy days.....!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

After having trodden by a thousand pedestrians, the path seems to relax itself in the mild sunlight of the evening. 
(A way to canteen, PEC Campus) 

The Volley ball court.......!
On a damp and isolated evening........!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

Natural looking pavilion of the vast tree-bound ground, free from its usual evening occupants.
Once in a while, when guys have an exam tomorrow or valid reasons like a movie release or a treat in canteen, they would leave the ground unattended like this...!

- (Ground, PEC Campus)

College buses standing alone in a single file.....!
Ragging,Evening 5 O'Clock rush, Catching a seat in bus, comments passed, Bus pass checking, Rainy mornings, bus-friendships, last moment preparation for tests, on and on are the stuffs that come to mind whenever I see those yellow vehicles with 'P.E.C' written over it.....!

- (P.G Hostel Road, PEC Campus)


Library Block.......!
Remember crossing those glass doors once during my first semester and next time, for getting no due ceritificates ;)

- (Library, PEC Campus)


One of the favorite Chat spots for guys and gals in campus, an stone-alley by the side of Library, safe enough from sun and staffs.........!

- ( Library Backside, PEC Campus)

Within the campus, perched deep inside the jungles, is this bewitching small temple, our abode of peace.......!
This angelic sanctum has provided us refuge from innumerable cycle tests, irritating labs and lectures, hopeless functions and dry free hours....!

- (Temple, PEC Campus


Temple is a lovely place to sit and admire during a rainy day.....!
the chill covert of trees around, wet ground, dry floor, the dripping periphery of roof, the poetic ambience, the silence and desolation makes it appear like the place has something enchanting about it..

- (Temple, PEC Campus)

The path to temple, slippery on a wet day....!
- (Temple, PEC Campus)

A leaf with no damaged leaf-lets.....!


For us, all roads in college, led to Canteen....!
Captured straight, is one of the pleasant non-staff, disturbance-less free-ways to canteen, from the back street.....! ;)

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

The gentle acclivity, a lithe turn, bordered by shrubs, flourished by trees, the desolated vast territory gives the feel of a hilly terrain when walked across......!

- (Way to Solar Power Pond, PEC Campus)


Enchanted with shady trees, this is the maximum harm, an acute afternoon sun could do to us.....!
Back-street on a sunny afternoon.....!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

Studded with trees and shrubs, is another way to canteen, from the ground.......! 
One could see this lane, populated with pairs and groups around 4-5 pm...!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

Present in a remote place at the far end of college is The SOLAR POWER POND.......!
Built over a vast area, this abandoned project has stayed unmanned for years...!
Let us explore this establishment in successive snaps.....

- (Solar Power Pond, PEC Campus)


After these many days have passed away since I left the paradise, whenever I fall back on my bed, close my eyes and start thinking of my college days, this is how my dream starts......!

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)


If you wonder how PEC has produces so many 'successful pairs' all these years......! ;-)

- (Pondicherry Engineering College Campus)

The beautiful road taking us to the Solar Power Pond.....!
This gracefully engrafted strip of road, would be frequented by snakes of so many dimensions........!

- (Solar Power Pond, PEC Campus)

A close up shot of Solar Power House is sure to create an impression of a medieval travellers inn build over a remote hillock......!

- (Solar Power Pond, PEC Campus)

After treading more than half a Kilometer of this slender trail, we could see the phantom building peeking at us behind trees.......!

- (Solar Power Pond, PEC Campus)


My last glimpse of the empire, we cherished for four years, was this.....!
The snap, though not perfectly placed, speaks a lot of thoughts and memories we shared and spared all those days.
PONDICHERRY ENGINEERING COLLEGE was really a paradise lost......!

Signing off with a sad signature, I hope that someday, I would wake into this album where the youth and the cheerful days are still alive.........!