Posted by ROKESH

Ther comes a point sometime, somewhere in your life when yo ve no idea of wat the fuck’s going on but, still yo feel happy and complete. Yo go, yo come, yo eat, yo sleep, no entertainment. but still yo really re enjoying. Yo dont care whats happening. To the world, to your neighbor, to yo. What does anything matter? There’s a millions of things to look forward to, wait for, or work towards.
Not that yo don’t feel or get depressed. Yo do, but it’s not the same. Yo drift along like a fallen log on the Mississippi. But now yo ve got directions, there's a purpose, there's a meaning. Yo start loving the working days as much as your college life. A taunt from your boss doesn’t even count. Point is, yo don’t care. Yo ve simply stopped caring. Nothing fazes yo, absolutely nothing. Yo ve been through so much, everything seems pointless.

People run behind yo at work. They flatter your knowledge. Point is They need your help. They surround yo nd learn from yo. they praise yo. Fact is they re givin a fuck. Yo make others laugh everywhere yo go. But yo dont remember the last time yo really laughed. Friends call. Yo talk to them, chat for hours. But does that change anything? No, I don’t think so. People will judge yo, they always do. But yo know what, damn them, they ve no idea what yo re going through. They don’t walk in your shoes, yo do. There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they are the way they are. Think about that before yo judge someone.
Is the world fair? No, of course not. But when was it, ever?

But does that mean that yo stop, just give up & take whatever shit life throws at yo? Well, yo could do that, that’s definitely an option. And many people do take it.

What do I do? I don’t know. I’m mindfucked, that’s all I know. But I also know this.

Throughout life, I ve loved, I ve lied, I ve got hurt, I ve lost, I ve missed, I ve trusted, I ve made mistakes. But most of all, I ve learned.

I ve learned that we can quit things, but what we can't quit, is fighting for our dreams.